
Hi, I am [[Sebastián] Sánchez Martínez]. Philosophy is my business. This is my academic webpage.

So, I’m a fifth year PhD researcher at TU Dresden’s Institute of Philosophy. My research was funded with a DAAD-grant for the first four years.

Before this, I worked a couple of years at the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira giving lectures on informal logic.

In short, my main research interests are in epistemology and theories of rationality in different disciplines, like psychology, economics, and decision theory. I’m mainly interested in how limitations in human and non-human reasoners (like limits in memory, computation, and time) can affect aswers to questions like when are our attitudes justified? or when are our attitudes rational?.

Currently, I am finishing a dissertation on simplified reasoning, drawing on contemporary traditions of bounded rationality.

As side interests, I like to read and write about foundational and applied aspects of speech-act theory and about modern philosophy.